
AAAP encourages Activity Professionals to explore professional certification through a national organization. There are two options currently available.
AAAP does not endorse or sponsor any of the organizations or websites listed below. The contact information serves only as a resource.

National Certification Council of Activity Professionals (NCCAP) ( is one of the Certifying Bodies recognized by Federal law and incorporated in many state regulations. NCCAP is the PREMIER national organization that exclusively certifies activity professionals who work with the elderly in primarily LTC settings.  

  • Modular Education Program for Activity Professionals (MEPAP), Part 1
    Students learn activity practice settings, communication, professional framework and approach to care, government and social systems, advocacy, behavioral sciences, adult client populations, care planning practices, activity service, design, development, and evaluation.

Activity Professionals National Credentialing Center (APNCC) ( is organized as an independent body exclusively for the purpose of credentialing Activity Professionals that meet the standards and requirements set forth by the Center. Activity Professionals will need to pass the competency exam to be issued a Board-Certified Credential. 

We offer an all-encompassing certification to assure that the individual is well-rounded and prepared to work in any setting with a geriatric population. This option is open to all Activity Professionals working in Activities/Recreation with the elderly. Certification is available as Activity Professional-Board Certified (AP-BC) or Activity Consultant-Board Certified (AC-BC). 

We are the only credentialing body for Activity Professionals that follow the standards set forth by the National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA) and the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). 

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